Partner organization: Institute of Animal Science – Kostnbrod
The experience of the Institute of Animal Science – Kostinbrod, as a consultant in the development of an integrated cloud-based platform for collecting, storing and processing data, will also be essential for the implementation of this project. The construction of such a platform, including the extraction, logistics and marketing of agricultural products, requires the formation of a team of specialists in different fields. Such a unified information system includes a number of different models of data collection, storage and processing.
In livestock breeding methods are used to limit the number of controlled indicators and the information is collected for one or two indicators or using a representative sample for a larger number of indicators. This is done in two main ways: by collecting information from a certain percentage of individuals (used in the livestock industry to guide the farmer to the stage reached for breeding) and complete measurement with individual animal tracking at specific time periods (day, week, month, etc., in conducting scientific experiments and selection work). Today there are software solutions such as neural systems that can handle large amounts of information. However, they are practically unenforceable due to their high cost.
The experience of The Institute of animal science as a consulting organization in the construction of the integrated information system designed to serve several basic animal breeding sectors shows that the creation of such cloud-based systems has to go through a pre-planned stage of a basic conceptual matrix on which to subsequently built the overall vision of the software package that operates with the information.
The work of the Kostinbrod Institute for Animal Breeding in the last three years consists of concluding contracts with private individuals, owners of start-up companies, for the development of clustered integrated systems in livestock breeding. The first of these contracts is for consultancy with Grafuer as a part of their FRACTALS project (Future Internet Enabled Agricultural Applications – one of the 16 accelerators funded under the FIWARE ACCELERATOR Program – Future Internet Accelerator Program of the European Commission).